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Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Christmas Blessings

I have so much to catch you up on!
I have been working 'round the clock
and I am so, SO behind in all things Christmas.
{I haven't even sent Christmas cards out}

I have been blessed with so much and am so 
grateful for everyone who has made my dream
come true with their continued support of the Bakery. 

Every day that passes is one day closer to opening the doors
and that makes my heart so happy.

I will fill you in next week when I have a few days scheduled off.

I hope you all have a Merry Christmas and a New Year
filled with love and all things good.

love, Amber


  1. I know you've been busy and so looking forward to all you have to share. I am happy you are focusing on your dream! Many Christmas blessings to you and all the best in the new year!

  2. Merry Christmas to you and your family. xoox Su

  3. You are one busy bee Amber! Would love to see pics of the inside of your bakery! Wishing you a wonderful New Year! xox


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