Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Anything Is Possible

"What am I supposed to be doing?!".

I have asked myself {and my husband}
this question many, many times.
I've cried over it, given myself headaches over it
and dreamed about it.
{I think a lot}

The past year has been an exciting one with
learning about our new home and getting 
a feel for what the South is all about.
There's still so, SO much to learn
but I do know that if I stick to 
what I know, I'll be okay.
Somewhere, someone will like
what I do and what I have to offer.
To fill a need, a desire or just a whim.

It's been a very slow start {what start? Ha!}.
With a house to make a home
{still in progress but getting
thrillingly closer} and a couple
of busy, BUSY, B-U-S-Y boys,
there hasn't been much time
left over for me and my energies
to make my own new name let alone 
think about it other than blog about
random stuff.
Okay, I have thought about it.
Refer to first paragraph.

With school starting in mere weeks,
I will have, for the first time in my 
entrepreneurial life, 
time alone-to work!
Solid blocks of time to put my heart, hands
and mind into starting and completing projects.
And I get to go treasure hunting!
{Oh, you have no idea how exciting that is for me.}
I get to unpack my boxes and organize - without help-
my work space - of which, there is none at the moment. 

We made it work with Black Rooster Cottage
and at times it was trying, but we did it
and we did it well.
I am very thankful and grateful 
I was able to be home
with all three of my children.
There were some bumpy parts but
it gives you the perspective of what 
is truly important.
Make do with less and be greatly appreciative
when there is more.

I am super excited about what the future
holds. There are some steps we will follow
and allow it to lead itself and let it
evolve into what it may.
I am a big dreamer and I have
that final destination place
{business wise}
pictured perfectly in 
my busy mind. 

 I have learned though, you
cannot force things that are not meant to 
be whether for the moment or at all.
{Remember the house that brought us here that I wanted 
so badly for my B&B? It's on the market again.
No, it's not for us for many reasons and 
not getting it was a blessing, actually.}
So we will just be passengers on the vessel.

So, where will we begin?
Right here at the .com.
I plan on launching my online
Shoppe on September 1, 2014.
I'm still getting the business affairs in order
so hopefully by then, it will all be done and I'll
have some goods to show you!

I decided that I will pass on doing any shows
this year so I can build my inventory
and get my bearings again with 
the Traveling Boutique.
But I am going to travel to some! :)

Baby steps.


  1. I wish we were closer! I'd go treasure hunting with you. I'm so excited for you.
    Will you be traveling the countryside on horseback? ;)

    1. Well Miss. Tina, I will be traveling the countryside on horseback soon, just not treasure hunting. Haha! I was asked to ride our neighbors horses on their 300+ acres. How great is that? I get to do my favorite pastime and get all horse smelly and not have the expense of it. Win, win! If you were close, we definitely would be treasure hunting buddies!!

  2. Lovely blog redo. Sounds like you have lots planned. Have a nice time with it.

  3. Well, good luck to you, my dear! And honey, I can't wait to see what you will show us!

  4. I don't know what happened to my comment I just wrote but to sum it up....I feel I'm in a kinda sorta similar place with my youngest starting kindergarten I'm hoping to spend the new found time to focus better on organizing and growing my business. I'm excited for you! We can support each other along the way!

    PS I LOVE your tagline, it's perfect! So funny because French Twist was a name I was thinking of changing my business name to!


  5. "Dream with your eyes open!"....will be excited to continue to follow your adventure!


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