I bought my domain name.
We've had a few business meetings
at our official office {dining table}...
This chick is getting back to business!
We are officially opening
country living with a French twist
as a home decor business
much as
The Black Rooster Cottage was.
My first show will be
in November {should they have me}
and I'll have a new partner,
my sweet Petunia!
Karli is ready to start earning some
money since she's got driving on the brain.
Gas is a great incentive. Haha!
Anyway, I have transferred
ALL of my Blogger posts (except this one)
from The French Pressed Home
and Black Rooster Cottage,
on to our "official" blog,
I am learning about how to add Feed Burner for following and all the bells and whistles, so bear with me!!
There are still lots of decisions and goods to be made
but one day soon, it will all come together.
Blogger is sooo easy compared to a .com
but there are so many other options I love
and lots more of which I've yet to learn.
I have to take a tutorial on this stuff!
I know it's a pain to make changes
but I hope you decide to
come along AGAIN.
I promise it is the last time! haha!!
Much Love,