At 9am the bell rung
{I'm assuming because it rang at 10}.
The Chapel Market was open for business!
We arrived a little past
9:30 and waited in line
for a little bit.
No complaining was heard
except for the
"Aww... that's so cute. Oh, I want that!"
as we watched ladies carry out their
fabulous prizes.
I took my man with me so
as we are standing in line, I see the
wheels turning.
Won't say what was said but I'm glad
that I have a lot of years ahead of
me for all the great ideas
I need to do before, well, you know.
Here's a few shots from the line.
The Waters is such a cute, quaint development.
Oh, and I bumped into Rhoda
She's so nice! I tell her who I am
and she said, "Oh, yeah!",
which I suppose is good answer to
everyone that says their blog name.
Ha! Good enough for me!
I'll share more photos of The Waters at the end.
And, we're in!
I would have liked to take more
photographs of displays BUT it
was packed and the ones I did get were between
heads and super quick.
What do I do first?
Scout the room to find
some familiar blog faces.
Bing, bing, BING!
is right in front of me.
She's adorable!!
We chit chat for a minute and I remind
her of the video she posted on
Union Springs and how we watched it
over and over before we decided to come
for a visit.
Marian Parsons.
She too, is adorable!
Bruce must have been nervous.
If you squint, it kinda makes it less blurry. |
I knew I wanted to pick up
one of her books for my giveaway
because I bought one several
months ago and love it.
It's a great read, not just a decorating
book or a DIY. It talks to you.
You'll love it too.
Hopefully you will win this copy
as I had her sign it for you.
{Oh, you're welcome!}
Author, Mary Kay Andrews was
there signing books and this was
her release of her new book,
Christmas Bliss.
Cute, cute stuff! Her booth reminded
me of a friends in California.
My big purchase: Mama got a new t-shirt!
In the center was a beautiful flower
cart filled with vibrant color.
I should have bought those
Then a local gal from Troy,
We chit chatted about homeschooling
She is so stinkin' cute!
Loved her {cleared out} booth.
She was embarrassed because she didn't want
people to think she decorated like that.
Gotta love it!
My big SCORE was silverware.
There was no price on the basket so
I inquired.
"$1 per piece"
Come again?
"Only a dollar?"
"Uh, huh!"
{I rushed over before any eavesdroppers got there first}
1, 2, 3, ....20!
Now, I know KariAnne recognized me
because we sometimes converse back
and forth via email.
She's a Rock Star.
As we start to exit so others can come in,
we stop at the last booth.
E.A.T. South.
They address challenges for creating a healthy
food system across the State to
develop Food Policy Councils.
In May, 2014, they'll be having a
big shin-dig in Montgomery.
Can't wait to go to that.
And that concludes the
Chapel Market of 2013!
Here are some more photos of
the area and a few on the way home.
Last but not least, if you are interested in
entering the giveaway, please let me know in the
comments. If you don't have an account with
google, please include your email address so I
can notify you if you win.
I will edit it out before I post your comment.
Good luck and see ya soon!
xo, Amber
Oh, and I'm linking up to Linda's
Thrifty Tuesday at
Coastal Charm!